3 drops of essential oil = 1,000 herbal teas |
The virtual absence of side-effects (although some of them need to be handled with extreme caution) often make them superior to synthetic molecules. They also act with impressive rapidity. One drop of a specific essential oil under the tongue can calm tachycardia or a panic in one minute and it isn't rare to see all symptoms of an infection disappear after two days.
Born in France from a laboratory accident that showed the impressive action of Lavender on severe burns, Aromatherapy has developped ever since owing to researchers like Dr. Valnet, Franchomme or Pharmacologists like Dominique Baudoux and many others. All of them observed, measured and compared the effects of thousands of individual molecules that make aromatherapy a very potent medicine. Aromathérapie is widely used in Europe, where it was born and studied at first, and today, its influence knows no boundaries. Researches are being conducted worldwide even if in Quebec, the ignorance of its effects can create uninformed opposition despite the efforts of enthousiastic pioneers.
"Unfortunately", essential oils are natural products, and as such, cannot be patented. This brings them a crowd of greedy opponents worried by the low cost and efficiency of such a treatment. Let's wish that soon, the numerous advantages of medical aromatherapy will take down the walls on its way, here in Quebec and abroad.