Energy healing and Reiki are commonly considered as relaxation and stress reduction techniques that also promote the patient's self-healing capacity, but they are also recognized as having many other virtues, like treating pain. Energy healings are practiced by the laying of hands over the patient's body, in contact or not, according to need or preference and calls on the vital energies that surround us and their balancing virtues. These therapies have been practiced for millennia and on every continent, as shown by Eber's discovery of a Pharaonic treaty of medicine that states: "Put your hand on the pain and say that it goes away". And contrarily to popular belief, the effects of these therapies have been observed and measured in hospitals.
These holistic approaches cannot cause any adverse effect, except for, sometimes, a surge of existing symptoms or an emotional outburst a few days after the session. These effects vanish rapidly and correspond to the evacuation of the energy blockage causing the problem.
As a holistic approach, energy healing doesn't necessarily treat what the patient would like to see treated, but rather what is most urgent to his balance and general well-being.
What the french call "magnétiseur" (literally:
magnetic healer) is known there for its results, and we see more and
more doctors and surgeons recommend its use to their patients, as a
complement to modern medicine or when their treatment has proven
ineffective. These healers do not follow any particular training, or
learn a technique, they inherit a gift, despite themselves. They have
been practicing in Europe since ages and are quite common there. They
treat, or at least relieve, almost any disease, but are mostly
recognized for their success over shingles, burns, migraines, insomnia,
back pains, sprains and arthritis.
These effects are not only observed on physical diseases but also on
emotional problems such as depression, periods of difficulties, or when
people feel outside their own path, when every decision is impossible
and help is needed.
To get more familiar with "magnétisme", and if you read french, please consult the French syndicate of Magnétiseurs (SNAMAP) website (see Links).
Reiki is a known relaxation and stress relief technique, but many
other effects have been observed, from pain reduction or relief or
medicinal adverse effects reduction. Used as a complement to modern
medicine it promotes self-healing.
It has been observed in US hospitals where Reiki was performed on
patients that their hospital stay was reduced by half compared to
untreated patients. That pain and side effects were noticeably lower and
that the dosage of pain-relief medicine was considerably lowered (réf.: W. Lee Rand and Thierry Janssen).
Toronto's Princess Margarett Hospital recently opened its oncology
department to reiki practitioners. Add well over 10 000 US nurses
trained to therapeutic touch, a healing method strongly resembling Reiki
and "magnétisme" and you start seing that energy therapy is
slowly becoming widely accepted, even in "scientific environments". For
more info on Reiki, please consult the Canadian Reiki Association's
website (see Links).
Let's wish that soon, the results of researches held in the United
States, Switzerland and other countries will be more widely known, and
that other independant researches be held to once and for all prove the
benefits of energy therapies.